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Latest News
In an extensive interview The Guardian profiled Abid Khan's inspirational journey from cinema usher to filmmaker.
Graduation Speech
Abid was invited to be Inspirational Speaker at the graduation ceremony for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at MMU
B3 Hessen Labs Award
Abid was selected for B3 HessenLabs where his next feature "IZZAT" won an award
Schrader vs Khan
Mentioned during Paul Schrader's press conference at the Venice International Film Festival
Venice Film Festival
Invited to the 79th Venice International Film Festival due to our work on NEZOUH
Abid has been a judge and a speaker at various film festivals, universities and events.
University Events
Educational screenings at University/Schools promoting the many benefits of studying abroad
Premiere in Granada
Granada Nights had its spiritual homecoming with the Spanish premiere in Granada, Spain
Press Conference with Granada Mayor
International press conference with the Mayor of Granada on the eve of the Granada Nights film premiere in Granada, Spain
Winner of Best Film
Daniel Battsek (Head of Film4) announces Granada Nights as winner of Best Film at the Barnes Film Festival
Speaker at GYFF
Director Abid Khan shared his insight into his own creative process and inspirations